Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Revising My GAME Plan

Today is the last day of class for our Seniors and Friday is the last day for the underclassmen. Next week we have Semester Exams on Monday and Tuesday. I am at the point in the year when I am no longer trying to create new lessons, but simply carry out the plans that I have made. The work that I did integrating the SMART Board into the fetal pig dissection worked well. Only a few students chose to use the technology as a substitute for the actual dissection. Those who did gave me good feedback about the experience. This summer I have a workshop where I will be learning more details on how to better use the board. It is my hope that I will be able to more effectively integrate new lessons after receiving some training.

My NETS-T standard that I have been working toward meeting is to: "Address the diverse needs of all learners by using learner centered strategies providing equitable access to appropriate digital tools and resources." I have learned quite a bit about the board that has helped to meet this goal. It is a never ending process, though. Each time that I develop a new lesson, it will always be in the back of my mind: "How can I use the SMART Board to get the students involved with this lesson?" At this point, my goal is to do this as I develop new lessons and by doing so continue to meet my larger goal of meeting the NETS-T standard. It is also my goal to get students involved in some of the planning. I have found that when the students help to create the learning strategies that they take more ownership and learn a great deal.


  1. Hi Mark

    I agree that many of us would be at much different points in our GAME plan if it were a different time of the school year. Despite this bad timing, I think you have made great strides in reaching your goals. I, too, have a SMART Board that I do not utlize nearly as much as I know I should and find encouragement in your success. I actually just found out today that I will be recieving a new SMART Slate next year. It has taken the capabilties to a whole new level and I suggest looking into the possibility of using one. Using this interactive technology will only benefit our students who have various learning preferences and needs and I am confident you are making the right decision by implementing such activites into your curriculum.

  2. At the end of each school year, I like to reflect back on the past school year and look forward. I try to make one long term goal that I will work on for the following year. It sounds as if you are doing just that. You have make great progress in using your SMARTBoard this year and will continue to do so next year. There are great web based resources that allow teachers to share lessons and download lessons as well. The website is On this site there are many resources for all teachers in all different grades and subjects. Take a look, it might give you some great ideas!

  3. Mark I think you're right that you've come a long way with your SmartBoards. I think you have learned quite a bit that will really help you next year and help you to plan over the summer. I agree with your last statement - that when students are involved in the planning, they are much more engaged. Next year I plan to give my students a much more active role in choosing the activities they do and how they will complete them.

  4. Hi Katie, Ms. Bailey, and Tracey. Thank you all for the comments.

    Katie - I believe that our department has one of the slates, but I have yet to use one. It should be fun to play with when I get the time.

    Ms. Bailey - You are absolutely right that we need to reflect back on the year. One of my goals as a teacher is to do a better job of reflecting and modifying once activities have been completed. It is easy to fall into the trap of looking to the next project and fogetting to improve what has just been done.

    Tracey - Isn't it great that we get to have a "next year" as teachers. It is always refreshing to take some time away from school to recharge the battery and then attack our challenges with the excitement of a new year and fresh group of kids.

  5. I couldn't agree with you more; we should get our students input on things like :What technology would you like seen used more often? What are you really interested in learning more about? By asking their opinion it almost gives them a sense of empowerment. We need to let them know that their opinions do matter and that they are a valuable part of the team.

    Additionally, I love that you gave your students a choice to use the SMART board for the fetal pig dissection. I'm sure those few that picked the SMART board really appreciated you because they did not have to get their hands dirty!I would of been one of those students. Keep up the good work!
