Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Using the GAME Plan Process with Students

The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) lists the following standards for students: Creativity and Innovation; Communication and Collaboration; Research and Information Fluency; Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making; Digital Citizenship; and Technology Operations and Concepts. (taken from: http://www.iste.org/content/navigationmenu/nets/for_students/nets_s.htm) Just as I have worked on improving my use of the SMART Board in my classroom using the GAME Plan method, students can improve their skills in each of these 6 standards by doing the same. It is neccesary to set small goals over the course of time so that students do not feel overwhelmed. On the other hand, a lot of the standards go hand-in-hand. A well designed lesson should incorporate critical thinking and problem solving skills while also addressing some of the other standards as well. Most of the projects that I can think of would require some type of research and just about all ideas can use some type of collaboration aided by technology. I think that the key is to determine what content area standard is trying to be reached and then use the technology standards to enhance the experience for the students. By using the technology standards, the students will not simply be learning science, math, reading, etc. skills. They will be improving their 21st Century skills as well.


  1. Mark,

    I agree that most of the standards go hand in hand and that while covering one you will also be touching upon others. I think the more we plan lessons that include technology, the more we will see opportunities to enhance our teaching with technology. I know I find myself thinking, oh, I can do such and such with that lesson.

    I think the GAME plan method is useful, not only in helping students master technology standards, but in other subjects too. I plan on using this method quite frequently with my students now that I am aware of it. I really would like to make it a habit with my students to form a GAME plan on a regular basis to help facilitate their learning. I think by doing this students will take more of an active part in their learning.

    Jennifer M.

  2. Mark,

    I think that it is important to use the technology skills in your lessons. It not only stresses 21st century skills but also allows the material to be hands on.

