Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Behaviorism in Practice

Effort is the most important part of student learning. Intelligence is very important as well, but regardless of how intelligent a student is, their effort will determine how much they learn. All students will learn much more when they put effort into that which they are learning. It is the role of the teacher to use all accessible resources to try and enhance the effort put forth by the students. Technology can be a very effective tool in motivating students to do well.

The school in which I teach has an online gradebook. It is an extremely valuable use of technology because it helps students track their grades which almost always correlate with the amount of effort that they are putting into the class. It helps to involve parents becuase the parents have up to the minute information about whether their student is completing assignments and how well they are performing. If grades go up or down, parents know right away.

Homework and practice are an important part of students learning new concepts. It is certainly not the only thing that should be used when exploring new concepts, but it is a great way to help students reinforce what is being learned in class. I have a few interactive programs at my disposal and find them very effective. I use pen and paper assignments as well. I think that regardless of how assignments are completed, they are effective. Technology allows students to see pictures and videos that help them to understand and remember what is being learned. A well set homework policy and providing a clear purpose of the assignments are important so that students put effort into completing them.


  1. Mark Schmoll,
    I could not agree with your post more. I think that it is extremly useful that you have an online gradebook. I wish that these tools were available for all districts, like mine. It not only helps students find out where they stand in the class, but also lets parents know. Working with parents is one of the keys to students success, and having the parents be able to see students scores as soon as they are posted makes improves the relationship between the teacher and parent.

    I also believe that assignments that students complete help them to reinforce what students learned in class. It can clear up any misunderstandings and have students practice the essential skills that you are teaching!


  2. Mark,

    I really like your philosophy of teaching. I share many of your values. I also have the good fortune of having had an on-line grade-book for about the last five years. I think that it's really invaluable that the students and parents have the ability to realize exactly where they are on my pathway of expectations. Further, I also differentiate homework assignments. Some assignments are completed on-line via our Wiki and some are performance grades from on-line games. Most often, however, our grades are the old fashioned paper and pencil variety. It's really important to use technology when possible, but my goal is to use the most effective means of instruction and practice. The use of technology while following this traditional approach only adds to the learning experience.
